Office of Institutional Research


The Office of Institutional Research and senior administrators are regularly informed by surveying various constituencies within the University community. We conduct these surveys independently, as well as in conjunction with institutional peer groups and other University offices. Surveys are generally conducted on a set schedule; however, shifting priorities can change the schedule.

Our surveys cover a wide range of topics that include satisfaction with services, experiences in the concentration, use of the open curriculum, climate and diversity, and participation in activities. Please explore the results of our surveys, which we have organized by topic.

Part of the continued data collection efforts connected to Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan for Brown University, the Campus Climate and other surveys help Brown to understand the experiences and perspectives of our faculty, staff and students.
Since 1969, Brown's undergraduates have been the architects of their own education through the Open Curriculum. Unlike students at most other universities, who have to complete a set of core courses before graduating, our students have the freedom to create their own course of study.
First-year students are surveyed so that we can learn more about them and their experiences as they transition from high school to college.
Student engagement is a vital part of the undergraduate educational experience. Numerous studies have shown that students who are actively engaged with their classes, faculty, and peers, and who are involved in activities outside of the classroom are more likely to have high achievements and to graduate. One way of measuring student engagement is through the use of surveys - in our case, the Enrolled Student Survey.
Graduating seniors are asked to reflect on their undergraduate education and provide their assessment of areas such as academic life, campus life, and resources and services.
Graduate students are asked on a yearly basis to assess their program, master's education at Brown, advising and mentoring, and the general climate.
Graduate students are asked on a yearly basis to assess their program, doctoral education at Brown, advising and mentoring, and the general climate.
We periodically survey alumni to learn more about their experiences with Brown and to get a sense of their lives after Brown.
Administered to University staff to gain insight into their work experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Access to this summary report is limited to staff and faculty.